Whirlpool Cabrio Washer Error Codes Explained

Mary Marlowe Leverette 2018

Mary Marlowe Leverette is one of the industry's most highly-regarded housekeeping and fabric care experts, sharing her knowledge on efficient housekeeping, laundry, and textile conservation. She is also a Master Gardener with over 40+ years of experience and 20+ years of writing experience. Mary is also a member of The Spruce Gardening and Plant Care Review Board.

Updated on 07/06/22 Fact checked by


Sarah Scott is a fact-checker and researcher who has worked in the custom home building industry in sales, marketing, and design.

Causes of Door Lock Failure

The LCD panel on Whirlpool Cabrio washers displays the stages of a cleaning cycle. The panel also lights up like a Christmas tree when there is a problem. Sometimes the Whirlpool Cabrio washer error codes come as a series of letters and numbers; sometimes there are flashing lights accompanied by cryptic beeping sounds.

You can consult your owner's manual for a clear explanation of the display. Your manual will also give you directions on how to put your Whirlpool Cabrio washer in diagnostic mode and how to reset it. If you can't put your hands on your manual, you can get a new manual or simply follow this chart to see what the codes mean. Here are some items to check that may help you get the washer running again.

Cabrio Washer Fault Codes

Fault Code Washer Problem Repair Steps
LF (F30) Long Fill LF flashes when the water level does not change for a period of time after the valves are turned on OR when water has left the drum but the control panel does not detect a water level change. Is the water supply connected and turned on? Are hose screens plugged? Is water entering the tub? If so, check the pressure hose connection to the machine/motor control.
Ld (F32) Long Drain Ld flashes when the water level does not change after the drain pump is on. The drain hose or the drain pump may be clogged. Check for proper installation. Drain hose height should be greater than 96 inches.
uL (none) Unbalanced load uL is displayed when the machine/motor control detects an off-balance load and remains on while the washer runs a mini-cycle to rebalance the load. Display clears if mini-cycle successfully rebalanced the load. If the mini-cycle is unsuccessful, uL will flash until the lid is opened, allowing the customer to view and redistribute the load.
oL (F70) Overloaded oL flashes when the machine/motor control detects a load size that exceeds the washer’s capacity. Open the lid to clear the display, remove excess laundry, then restart the cycle.
Sd (F71) Suds Detection Sd is displayed when the machine/motor control analyzes drag on the basket and detects a suds-lock condition. It will remain on while the control runs a mini clean-out cycle. If the clean-out cycle is unable to correct the excess suds problem, the cycle ends and Sd flashes in the display. This may signify excessive detergent usage, the basket cannot engage during drain step, or mechanical friction on drive mechanism not allowing the basket to engage.
lid (F81) Open/Close Door Lid lid flashes when the following conditions occur: User presses START with the lid open. User presses START after two consecutive machine cycles without opening lid. The machine/motor control cannot detect the lid switch opening and closing properly.
Po (none) Pump Out (lid opened) Po flashes when the drain pump begins pumping out water from tub because the door lid is left open for more than 10 minutes. Close door lid to stop the drain pump.
HC (none) Hot, Cold Reversed HC flashes when the hot and cold inlet hoses are reversed. Make sure inlet hoses are connected correctly.
dL (F80, 82, 84, 85) Door Lock Failure dL flashes if the following conditions occur: Door lid is not closed completely due to interference. Lint and detergent residue is preventing the lock bolt from extending. Machine/motor control detects an open door lid switch when attempting to lock. Machine/motor control cannot determine if door lid is in a locked state.
dU (F83) Door Unlock Failure dU flashes if the following conditions occur: Excessive force on the door lid is preventing lock bolt from retracting. Wash residue is preventing lock bolt from retracting and should be cleaned away. Machine/motor control cannot determine if the door lid is in an unlocked state.
F1 (F68) Primary Control Failure F then 1 flashes when there is a primary control failure. Check for a pinched or ripped water level pressure switch hose. Replace the machine control assembly.
F2 (F2) Keypad/User Interface Failure F then 2 flashes when the washer is in: Diagnostics Test mode if a stuck key is detected. Standby mode if there is a user interface mismatch.
F40 (F40) ATC Thermistor Open/Short F then 40 flashes when the ATC Thermistor is detected to be open or shorted out.
F41 (F41) Motor RPS Thermistor Open/Short F then 41 flashes when the motor rotor position sensor (RPS) thermistor is detected to be open or shorted out.
F42 (F42) Heater Thermistor Open/Short (Not Detected) F then 42 when the main control can't detect if the heater is on or off. Check the wiring for loose connections or damages. If all is well then replace the motor control unit.
F50 (F50) Motor Stalled F then 50 flashes when the motor rotor position sensor (RPS) senses no rotation. Does the basket turn freely? If not, make sure bottom shipping pack has been removed. Determine the cause of friction.
F51 (F51) Motor RPS Failure F then 51 flashes when there is a motor rotor position sensor (RPS) failure. Check for an overloaded washer or a faulty internal component such as a defective motor rotor position sensor.
F52 (F52) Motor Stop Failure F then 52 flashes when the motor rotor position sensor (RPS) senses rotation after stop command. There could be mechanical friction stopping the basket from spinning freely. Check wiring of P5 and P10 connectors on the main board.
F53 (F53) Motor Control Overtemp F then 53 flashes when the machine/motor control detects high temperature for the motor module. Does the basket turn freely? If not, determine the cause of friction.
F54 (F54) Motor Control Overcurrent F then 54 flashes when the machine/motor control detects high current for the motor module. Conduct a manual spin test and check wiring on the main board.
F72 (F72) Basket Re-engagement Failure F then 72 flashes when the basket check routine fails to determine if the basket is re-engaged after being disengaged. Is the basket floating? If yes, pump out water. See Long Drain. Does basket turn freely? If not, determine the cause of friction.