Why is this New Testament different from all other New Testaments? Because the Jewish New Testament expresses its original and essential Jewishness. Nearly all other English translations of the New Testament—and there are literally hundreds—present its message in a Gentile-Christian linguistic, cultural and theological framework.
But such separation cannot be. For the central figure of the New Testament, Yeshua the Messiah, was a Jew who was born to Jews in Beit-Lechem (heb., House of Bread), grew up among Jews in Natzeret, ministered to Jews in the Galil, and died and rose from the grave in the Jewish capital, Yerushalayim, in the Land which God gave to the Jewish people.
Moreover, Yeshua is still a Jew, since he is still alive, and nowhere does Scripture say or suggest that he has stopped being Jewish. His twelve closest followers were Jews. For years all his talmidim (heb., disciple) were Jews, numbering “tens of thousands” in Yerushalayim alone.
The New Testament was written entirely by Jews (Luke being, in all likelihood, a proselyte to Judaism); and its message is directed “to the Jew especially, but equally to the Gentile.”
It was Jews who brought the Gospel to non-Jews, not the other way around. Sha’ul (greek., Poul), the chief emissary to the Gentiles, was a lifelong observant Jew, as is evident from the book of Acts.
Indeed the main issue in the early Messianic community [“Church”] was not whether a Jew could believe in Yeshua, but whether a Gentile could become a Christian without converting to Judaism. (See Acts 15:1–29 and the whole book of Galatians.)
The Messiah’s vicarious atonement is rooted in the Jewish sacrificial system. (See about it especially Leviticus 17:11, and compare Messianic Jews [Hebrews] 9:22
The Lord’s Supper is rooted in the Jewish Passover. Immersion [baptism] is a Jewish practice.
Yeshua said, “Salvation is from the Jews.” (Yochanan [John] 4:22)
The New Covenant itself was promised by the Jewish prophet Jeremiah (Jeremiah 31:30–34). The very concept of a Messiah is exclusively Jewish. Indeed the entire New Testament completes the Torah, the Hebrew Scriptures which God gave to the Jewish people; so that the New Testament without the Old is as impossible as the second floor of a house without the first, and the Old without the New as unfinished as a house without a roof.
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