Introduction -- pt. 1. Conducting yourself gracefully in the business world -- Displaying good manners at work -- Making a positive impression on the job -- Working in a diverse environment -- Look sharp! Creating professional style and presence -- pt. 2. Building better communication skills -- The art of meeting and greeting -- Making polite conversation -- Improving your telephone manners -- Sharpening your written communication skills -- Keeping up with electronic etiquette -- pt. 3. Behaving in the boardroom and beyond -- Minding your meeting manners -- Engaging in business meals and parties -- Mastering dining etiquette -- Attending conferences, trade shows, and special events -- Taking part in a variety of social off-site activities -- Marking life's major events and passages -- pt. 4. Overcoming work-related challenges -- Coming to terms with difficult people -- Managing office conflict -- Managing ethical dilemmas at work -- Handling sexuality in the workplace -- pt. 5. Doing business on a global scale -- Pack your manners! Traveling for business -- Now you've arrived : Adapting to a new world -- Crossing cultural lines : Your passport for success -- pt. 6. The part of tens -- Nearly ten college-to-career etiquette tips -- Ten tips for impressive job interviews
contains cut-off texts
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